Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Star From Dirty Dancing Looks Like Me - 1987

Dirty Dancing 1 will be on again.
Why did Generation X have to Learn Early Boomers but not Late Boomers.
Why are movies less than appealing cast combinations?
Why do some people have such a sense of humor when you stumble over something mentally?  Why not just move on and not scare people?
Why do I have to deal with some people?
I wonder when people "don't wanna..."  Maybe, they don't, now.

Hollywood is meaningless.

People act bad/mean.

You never even meet those people.  They are locked away in huge buildings and can't earn a living.
Who cares about Latinos and Europeans?  They just wanna fuck blondes.
I wonder why my parents had an eager girl like me turn out like this, especially my dad because he is American and white and my mom is Asian.
People become famous when they talk to me a little so they can't talk to me a lot.
Funny my dad doesn't address my mom's cooking but addresses her parenting, when we're in the 6th dimension.
Germans seem dangerous if unhappy.  Pathetic, though.
How sarcastic is "the look on people's faces" who emulate someone I actually still like because I accidentally spammed advice to my friends/family in 2007?  I never thought whatever people said, and I certainly never said anything like that to anyone.
Are Latinos etc. always looking to pretend there's a fight in me while a fight definitely comes out of them.
So, can we be friendly terms?  I'm not looking for a good time.
So, did you know people will blame other races for not working on their own? like their children in schools.  Lazy, God damn Americans.
The main character in Dirty Dancing 2 saw herself as more European in some way and said she was going to the Cuban club in a funny way, like she'll impress people to what lengths she'll go to say they're shit.
Why do people have to give me such a hard time?
No one gives a care about people telling only others to be overly careful like they need it.  That's rude.  Tell Ellen DeGeneres that, and you'd be in big trouble.
No one is perfect.

Only "white" people get away with it.

Simple as that.
I can't escape!!
Oh, I'm so sorry.  Not much else is happening.  I feel like I'm drunk, too.  I didn't post it, just thought it.
So, someone was nice to me but now overly critical like people do when they are drunk.  Race.

Harvard-Like Intelligence

Black people get down with the Spanish but should leave them be.  When it comes time to identify your race, they are with the whites.  Have fun with the whites everyone loves.
People can say I'm a loser, for some reason, when I'm not even fighting.
Dirty Dancing 2 will be on soon!
It's interesting the rules certain people make for others.  Did I do something!?


I added a link to my deviantART on the side of this blog: link.


Road Trip to the Arts: The Florida Keys
An Asian put herself up for me.  She's Asian.
Do you feel used? like you should have been clean from the womb? but you meet more people and find they are cleaner from who they've talked to but not how much?
Nobody's perfect.
So, I was mistreated, on purpose, for bad reasons.

I don't know where I heard this...

...I think my dad

I didn't even attack anyone!  The people monitoring me in private etc. translated it that way!
What if it happened to me?  People would attack and it'd be my fault I disagreed and moved around a little.
I just want the nagging to stop about the fact I actually said it.  I am into sociology.  Germans can act how they want and get away with it.
People see me through blacks and Asians, but they are wrong because I don't talk to white people like I'm black or Asian.
I didn't know Germans get the jiggy with it, like in Orlando, Florida, US.
I can see myself as failure right now.
Anyway, it seems important.
People won't stop getting mad for posting about what they do without naming them.  I didn't hurt them, but I would like to talk to people.
It's funny I'm moving there.
I am superior to Germans.
Some people are mad they are capable of hurting me because they are jealous.
Oh, for what reason?  Like, because I said it?
Some Germans seem upset at me, fact.  I think they are singling me out without a good, concrete, well-defined reason.  I think these things are a threat to innocent people.
I feel unwanted and incompatible living at home but bad to leave it.  I don't have a life, here, outside of home.
Why am I getting that I'm not even allowed to think what I want? that I'm worth something and I'm me?
To give away my DVDs, books, and music books, or not to give them away, that is the question!
Everyone thinks they've proved me shit.

"Famous Last Words"

"I want her to have something."
I was fine with other generations, but people are going in and messing with my life.
You didn't suddenly get smarter than me.  I'm too good for that or anything to do with anyone like that.

There's nothing there.

Early Generation X teamed up with Early Boomers to parent us Generation XY by doing stupid things, to say if we feel a bit giddy and moody and sorta mock life that we're being bad and that they're just there to tell us not to do that, but nothing important or adequately intelligent or even right.
I'm trying to address my problems.  I want something social to talk about.

Why throw me away with my dad?

Because he had a kid like me and was born in 1950?

When People Watch TV

Usually, it seems 8-10 PM.
Why do people think they can tell me what to do?
It seems like all my blogging is meaningless and I'm gonna die when I'm 90.
I came in a good girl, and the Orlando / "Central Florida" area started out bad and quickly flashed into putting on an act.
I give up on clothes!  It's too much money.
Why are people thinking I am bothering them to say I'm not really my dad and I'm not my mom's race as inferior as a living being?  I like animals, too!

Piano Music

This reminds me of one of my piano teachers I had in the late 1990s.

New, Affordable Idea for Outfit Style


Sample New Outift

Baton Twirler

I need to get it together.

I need to eat more of more food.

I have Sloppy Joe's to finish with buns I dislike with it.  Maybe, I should get chicken patties that go with them.  Mash some potatos, get some canned veggies/legumes.